augmented product — UK US noun [C] MARKETING, COMMERCE ► a product that has extra features that make it better or more attractive than the ordinary product: »Additional services are part of the augmented product … Financial and business terms
Augmented Product — A commodity that has both the primary physical attributes and the non physical attributes that are added to increase the product s value. Non physical attributes of an augmented product may include a product warranty, service or installation, and … Investment dictionary
augmented product — Additional consumer services and benefits sold with a core product. The augmented product can be critical to the success of the core product. For example, a camcorder (the core product) may be marketed with a warranty, quick repair service,… … Big dictionary of business and management
augmented product — /ɔ:gˌmentɪd prɒdʌkt/ noun a product with added benefits such as warranties or installation service etc … Marketing dictionary in english
product — prod‧uct [ˈprɒdʌkt ǁ ˈprɑː ] noun 1. [countable] COMMERCE something useful and intended to be sold that comes from nature or is made in a factory: • Distributors for Amway sell numerous products, including cleaning and personal care products … Financial and business terms
Augmented sixth chord — The interval of an augmented sixth normally resolves outwards by semitone to an octave. Play (help·info) … Wikipedia
Augmented Reality — Die Artikel Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality und Virtual Reality überschneiden sich thematisch. Hilf mit, die Artikel besser voneinander abzugrenzen oder zu vereinigen. Beteilige dich dazu an der Diskussion über diese Überschneidungen. Bitte… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Augmented reality — Die Artikel Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality und Virtual Reality überschneiden sich thematisch. Hilf mit, die Artikel besser voneinander abzugrenzen oder zu vereinigen. Beteilige dich dazu an der Diskussion über diese Überschneidungen. Bitte… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Projection augmented model — Background: Uniting physical and virtual objects = “We live between two realms: our physical environment and cyberspace. Despite our dual citizenship, the absence of seamless couplings between these parallel existences leaves a great divide… … Wikipedia
Whole product — a whole product is a generic product augmented by everything that is needed for the customer to have a compelling reason to buy. The generic product is what is usually shipped to the customer. The whole product typically augments the generic… … Wikipedia
Design for X — Under the label Design for X, a wide collection of specific design guidelines are summarized. Each design guideline addresses a particular issue that is caused by, or affects the characteristics of a product. The design guidelines themselves… … Wikipedia